Ferdinand I de Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen (n. 12/ 24 august 1865, Sigmaringen - d. 20 iulie 1927, Castelul Peleș, Sinaia ), numit și Întregitorul și Ferdinand cel Loial, [9] [10] a fost al doilea rege al României, din 10 octombrie 1914 până la moartea sa.

ROMANIA Ferdinando I (19141927) 100 Lei 1922 Nomisma Aste
King of Romania (1865-1927; ruled 1914-1927) image monogram. Upload media. Wikipedia. Name in native language. Ferdinand I. Date of birth. 24 August 1865. Sigmaringen.

San Ferdinando Teatro di Napoli
Ferdinand I (born March 10, 1503, Alcalá de Henares, Spain—died July 25, 1564, Vienna, Habsburg domain [now in Austria]) Holy Roman emperor (1558-64) and king of Bohemia and Hungary from 1526, who, with his Peace of Augsburg (1555), concluded the era of religious strife in Germany following the rise of Lutheranism by recognizing the right of ter.

Ferdinand i king of romania Foto e Immagini Stock in Bianco e Nero Alamy
Con la vittoria dell'Intesa i Romeni ebbero la Transilvania, la Bucovina e la Bessarabia e F. il 15 ott. 1922 fu incoronato ad Alba Iulia re della Grande Romania. Gli ultimi suoi anni furono rattristati dalla condotta sregolata del figlio maggiore Carlo

Ferdinando I di Romania Notizie dal Fronte
Nato a Cettigne, il 1714 (vecchio stile) dicembre 1888, quale secondo figlio di Pietro, divenuto più tardi re dei Serbi-Croati-Sloveni, e di Zorka, figlia di Nicola Petrović-Niegoš, in quegli anni principe [.] per giurare il nuovo statuto, detto del Vidovdan.

Peter Ferdinando
Ferdinando I Re di Romania Ferdinando I Re di Romania (Sigmaringen 1865-Sinaia 1927). Figlio di Leopoldo di Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen, nipote di Carlo I, gli successe poco dopo lo scoppio della Prima guerra mondiale (1914) e riuscì a ritardare l'entrata in guerra della Romania sino all'agosto 1916.

Re ferdinando della romania immagini e fotografie stock ad alta
Ferdinando I di Romania (nato Ferdinando di Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen) ( Sigmaringen, 24 agosto 1865 - Sinaia, 20 luglio 1927) fu re di Romania dal 10 ottobre 1914 fino alla sua morte. Indice 1 Biografia 1.1 Principe di Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen e Principe della Corona di Romania 2 Matrimonio 3 Re di Romania 3.1 Prima guerra mondiale

Re ferdinando della romania immagini e fotografie stock ad alta
Ferdinand I (Ferdinand Viktor Albert Meinrad; 24 August 1865 - 20 July 1927), nicknamed Întregitorul ("the Unifier"), was King of Romania from 1914 until his death in 1927. Ferdinand was the second son of Leopold, Prince of Hohenzollern, and Infanta Antónia of Portugal, daughter of Ferdinand II of Portugal and Maria II of Portugal.

ROMANIA FERDINANDO I 1922 Alba Iulia Incoronazione RARA Medaglia di
Ferdinand I (born 1016/18—died December 27, 1065, León, Leon) the first ruler of Castile to take the title of king.He also was crowned emperor of Leon.. Ferdinand's father, Sancho III of Navarre, had acquired Castile and established hegemony over the Christian states. On his death in 1035 he left Navarre to his eldest son (García III) and Castile to his second son, Ferdinand, who had.

Ferdinando I di Romania (18651927) in uniforme militare. Re di Romania
Ferdinand (Ferdinand Viktor Albert Meinrad; 24 August 1865 - 20 July 1927), nicknamed Întregitorul ("the Unifier"), was King of Romania from 1914 until his death in 1927. Ferdinand was the second son of Leopold, Prince of Hohenzollern and Infanta Antónia of Portugal, daughter of Ferdinand II of Portugal and Maria II of Portugal. His family was part of the Catholic branch of the Prussian.

Ferdinand i king of romania Foto e Immagini Stock in Bianco e Nero Alamy
Queen Victoria's matchmaking : the royal marriages that shaped Europe by Deborah Cadbury ( Book ); Roumania and her rulers by Alice Vaughan-Williams Martineau ( Book ); Portraits d'hommes by Marthe Bibesco ( Book )

King Ferdinand I of Romania. Royal Photography, Airplane Photography
Roman Catholic. Ferdinand I (12 January 1751 - 4 January 1825) was King of the Two Sicilies from 1816 until his death. Before that he had been, since 1759, King of Naples as Ferdinand IV and King of Sicily as Ferdinand III. He was deposed twice from the throne of Naples: once by the revolutionary Parthenopean Republic for six months in 1799.

The Italian Monarchist King Ferdinando II of the TwoSicilies
FERDINAND I (HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE) (1503 - 1564)FERDINAND I (HOLY ROMAN EMPIRE) (1503 - 1564), king of Bohemia, Hungary, and Croatia, 1526; king of the Romans 1531; Holy Roman emperor, 1558.The young Archduke Ferdinand was born on 10 March 1503 in Alcal á de Henares, Spain, and grew up under the supervision of his grandfather, King Ferdinand of Arag ó n and Castile.

Scultura Di Re Di Ferdinand I a Plaza De Oriente, Madrid, Spagna
Ferdinand I (10 March 1503 - 25 July 1564) was Holy Roman Emperor from 1556, King of Bohemia, Hungary, and Croatia from 1526, and Archduke of Austria from 1521 until his death in 1564.

ROMANIA Ferdinando I (19141927) 25 Lei 1922 Nomisma Numismatic
Ferdinand I of Romania. From Wikimedia Commons, the free media repository.

Dalla casa di hohenzollern immagini e fotografie stock ad alta
Ferdinand I (24 August 1865 - 20 July 1927) was King of the Romanians from 10 October 1914 until his death in 1927. Born in Sigmaringen in southwestern Germany, the Roman Catholic Prince Ferdinand Viktor Albert Meinrad of Hohenzollern-Sigmaringen. The name was later shortened simply to Hohenzollern. Within his family, he was called Nando. Ferdinand I was the son of Leopold, Prince of.