H 2/3 7 der BRB in Brienz
At the top, the short climb up to the terrace level took our breaths away literally due to the thin air. After coffee and drinks, the clouds came up and covered the beautiful sights. Important to come early to see the fantastic views of the valley, lake Brienz, and the mountains. Written July 8, 2023.

Brienz Rothorn Bahn, Schweiz Stockfotografie Alamy
brienz rothorn bahn price. Like other trains in Switzerland a ticket to the top of Brienz Rothorn is not cheap, but there are ways to save some money! The swiss travel pass and swiss half fare card both provide a 50% discount on tickets for the Brienz Rothorn steam train. There is also a discount for the first train of the morning.

12 Brienz Rothorn Bahn (BRB) H 2/3 at Brienz, Switzerland by Trüb
Let's ride on one of the most scenic trains in Switzerland, from Brienz Village all the way up to Brienzer Rothorn Mountain00:00 Highlights00:59 Start of the.

Ausflugsziel Brienz Rothorn Bahn in Brienz DOATRIP.de
The Brienz Rothorn Bahn station is just across the road from the Brienz Railway station and the boat dock. If you are arriving in Brienz by car, there's a large car park off the main street and just a short walk from the Brienz Rothorn Bahn station. When to visit Brienzer Rothorn.

Brienzer Rothorn Bahn Foto & Bild landschaften, sommer, panorama
World's Most Beautiful Train Ride in Switzerland _ Brienz Rothorn Bahn🚂 Brienz Rothorn Bahn , Swiss Steam Railway Since 1892 !! 🌤Temperature : 24°C - 26°C.

Ausflugsziel Brienz Rothorn Bahn in Brienz DOATRIP.de
The unforgettable experiences offered by the Brienz-Rothorn tourist rack railway include a large dose of hidden nostalgic and gastronomic exclusivity. Even the trip on the over 125 year-old steam railway up the Brienzer Rothorn mountain, which lies at 2,351 metres above sea level, is a unique experience.It brings to life memories of the romantic days of steam trains long since disappeared.

Brienz Rothorn Bahn Bern Brienz BE Activité Loisirs.ch
Change to the Postbus that takes you to the Glaubenbielen Pass. At "Glaubenbielen, Parkplatz", change for a bus to "Sörenberg, Rothornbahn". Take the cable car up to the Brienzer Rothorn. Take the cogwheel train down to Brienz. Walk over to the boat dock and take a boat to Interlaken. Alternatively, you can take a train.

H 2/3 6 Brienz Rothorn Bahn (BRB) BRB H 2/3 at Planalp, Switzerland by
The Brienz - Rothorn bahn is just opposite the Brienz station. I did not book my ticket in advance as my trip for this one was impromptu (however, I highly recommend to book the ticket online. On the nice weather, you won't get a spot!) I took the 12.58pm slot and paid the return ticket half price (with my Swiss Travel Pass Flex).

Brienz Rothorn Bahn. zentralbahn.ch
Die Brienz Rothorn Bahn ist eine historische Dampfzahnradbahn. Deshalb ist die Kapazität für Gäste beschränkt und es kann an schönen Sommertagen entweder zu längeren Wartezeiten oder sogar dazu kommen, dass sämtliche Züge ausverkauft sind. Um diese Unannehmlichkeiten zu umgehen, empfehlen wir Ihnen, das Ticket inkl.

Brienzer Rothorn Bahn Schweiz Tourismus
Once at the top, climb the last few metres to the summit and be rewarded with an impressive view of over 693 mountain peaks. Your steam-train journey begins in Brienz. From there, the 7.6 km route takes you to the Rothorn Kulm summit station in just over an hour. The steam locomotive with its red carriages puffs its way up the mountain, passing.

Erfolgreiches Jahr BrienzRothornBahn macht Gewinn Berner Zeitung
Informationen. Seit 1892 qualmt die Brienz Rothorn Bahn als intaktes Schweizer Kulturgut in einer Stunde von Brienz aufs Rothorn. Die Strecke misst 7,6 Kilometer mit einer maximalen Steigung von 250 Promille. Die Dampfzahnradbahn überwindet eine Höhendifferenz von 1678 Metern und durchfährt acht Tunnels. Eine nostalgische Lok verheizt 350.

Brienz Rothorn Bahn, Switzerland YouTube
The Brienz Rothorn Bahn steam train rides are pretty popular there. To access tickets, consider reaching there at least half an hour earlier. Brienzer Rothorn Steam Train Ride - Dream of nostalgia Lovers. With the historic steam train ride, the Brienzer Rothorn journey can be a once in a lifetime experience. Nothing can beat the scenic beauty.

Brienz Rothorn Bahn_H 2/3 14_Brienz_Switzerland Brienz, Train, Railway
The World's Most Beautiful Train Ride In Switzerland Enjoy a Epic Scenic Train Ride Up To Brienzer Rothorn !Chug up to the Brienzer Rothorn | Admire the Eige.

Brienz Rothorn railway
How to Get To Brienzer Rothorn. Rothornbahn in Brienzer Rothorn. By car: From Interlaken, take the A8 motorway. The trip to Brienzer Rothorn takes 25 minutes. Get there from Lucerne via the Brünig Passin 45 minutes. Parking is available near the Brienz Valley station. All-day parking is available for CHF 8.00.

Brienz Rothorn Bahn
The Brienz - Rothorn bahn is just opposite the Brienz station. I did not book my ticket in advance as my trip for this one was impromptu (however, I highly recommend to book the ticket online. On the nice weather, you won't get a spot!) I took the 12.58pm slot and paid the return ticket half price (with my Swiss Travel Pass Flex).

Brienz Rothorn Bahn Steam trains, Steam, Places to go
Startseite - Brienz Rothorn Bahn AG. Es stampft und dampft, es quietscht und qualmt: Die einzige Schweizer Zahnradbahn mit Dampfbetrieb begeistert seit 1892. Steigen Sie ein, die Brienz Rothorn Bahn bringt auch Sie auf die Höhe.